Authored By: Press Release
Date: 26 October 2021
ARLINGTON, VA. – The U.S. State Department has once again given Sincerus Global Solutions a vote of confidence by awarding them more than $40 million in new security sector reform contracts. The work spans the globe from the Balkan countries of North Macedonia, Kosovo, and Bosnia & Herzegovina to Bangladesh in Asia and through a large swath of Africa with work in Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Kenya, Mozambique, and Tanzania.
Each of the contract awards are meant to build capability and capacity within the countries, with two specifically focused on the West African Sahel region of Burkina Faso, Chad, and Niger.
The scope of the awards includes training, equipping, and advising countries in countering improvised explosive devices (C-IED), construction and facilities maintenance building up procurement, human resources, and cyber security systems.
“This new programming highlights how Sincerus is differentiating itself with a proven sustainable delivery framework that ensures continued impact after a project ends,” said Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Glen Schuhmacher. “We value our partnerships with our customers at the State Department and strive to meet their objectives by implementing activities that deliver outcomes which effect real change.”
The awards recognize that Sincerus can “do hard things in hard places” and capitalizes on their enduring presence and expertise in the Balkans and Africa.
Speaking to what makes Sincerus’ methodology different, Vice President of Business Development Eric Sedlacek said, “Our team and advisors work tirelessly designing solutions that help both DOS and host nations achieve their contract goals but deliver outcomes that support the long-term USG national security objectives. By applying holistic analysis tools, we identify the underlying gaps that must be bridged and root causes that must be resolved to achieve sustainable reform throughout each echelon of the organization.”
Built upon almost 30 years of multi-disciplinary security sector reform work, Sincerus Global Solutions adopts a proactive stakeholder engagement approach to enhance coordination, collaboration, and communication at all levels. This underpins the heart of Sincerus’ work while delivering results for our customers in complex environments.
About Sincerus Global Solutions, Inc.
Headquartered in Arlington, VA., Sincerus currently operates in more than 20 countries across five continents delivering strategic advisory, training, expeditionary mission support, project management and rule of law capacity building projects – most of which are conducted in remote, challenging locations and complex environments. Throughout its nearly 30-year legacy, Sincerus has operated in 40 countries worldwide. Visit to learn more.